Chicago Blues
Cafe Schraders Berlin
Malplaquetstrasse 16, Berlin Wedding
3. Oktober 2003 bis 27. November 2003
Eine Ausstellung in Zusammenarbeit mit FOTA
Chicago. In der Austellung vertretene Künstler und
Show in cooperation with FOTA Chicago. Chicago Artists
Felissa Onixt, Jenn Liming, Mary Lee More, Joe
Pellegrini, Rebecca Landis, Ivonne Cruz, Kevin Swallow, Doug
Birkenheuer, Peter Jones, Diana Solis, Mark Sirinsky, Keith
Kaminski, Bernhard Colbert, Jim Parenti,
Alexander von Agoston.
For Information about artists see
Alexander von Agoston: Zehn neue
Arbeiten aus Chicago. Acryl und Oel auf Leinwand.
Ten new Chicago paintings made in Berlin
Auswahl - Selection
Alley 846 N Hoyne, 120 x 50 cm,
Acryl auf Leinwand, Chicago, Berlin 2003
Downtown, 100 x 120 cm, Aryl auf Leinwand, Chicago, Berlin 2003
Feuerleitern, 120 x 50 cm, Acryl auf Leinwand, Chicago Berlin
Johnson 32, 100 x 50 cm, Acryl
auf Leinwand, Chicago, Berlin 2003
Lady Die, 100 x 50 cm, Acryl auf Leinwand, Chicago, Berlin 2003
(beide Bilder leider uebermalt, warum?)
Den September verlebte ich in Chicago. Im Flat Iron Building installierte ich grosse Banner, im Cafe Boost waren einige Portraets zu sehen und in der Gerber Hart Bibliotherk zeigte ich Fahnen und Pannels. Zwischen durch fuellte ich mein Skizzenbuch mit neuen und vertrauten Augenblicken. Am Abend des 29. September war ich wieder in Berlin. Am 30. September schuf ich in schneller Folge sieben Bilder. Sechs davon gelangten am naechsten Tag in die Ausstellung im Cafe Schraders. Eines ging zurück und wurde uebermalt.
September was Chicago Time. Three art shows, and hunderts of
new impressions. I returned to Berlin on September 29. Next day I
started working at seven new pieces for the Chicago Blues show in
Schraders. You find the immages above.
Two found no wall when coming back to the studio and were
Waehrend des Aufendhaltes in Chicago entstanden 30 Arbeiten auf Papier, meinst 24 x 24 cm grosz, Beispiele:
During the Chicago time I made 30 works on paper, most of them 10" x 10", below you can see some of them:
First Night on the Rocks
3. September 2003
Jon picked me up at the studio. We bought some
Delis and german Becks Beer and a sack of ice. He emtied his bag
and placed the ice and the beer instead. With this emergency pack
we entered Belmont Rocks, or what was left from the Rocks.
It was a splendit half moon night. The beer war good, die light
too, the Delis delicious, and we two friends on the Rocks.
I started to paint my first Chicago Picture, while Japanees
Terrorist Kamikaze Lady Bucks atacked the peaceful sceene.
(I wondered how the Bucks managed to fly the long way from Japan.
Maybe they just came from the other side of the lake, but do
american Lady Bucks bite?)
Full Moon Downtown
9. September 2003
I came down Halstedt Street riding my bike to Chicago Avenue, when suddenley the moon apeared. There he was. I stopped and started to paint on the sidewalk. Somewhere in a kind of industrial area, maybe 800 North. There was also Mars. Later in the night they will apear like standing close together.
Searstower at night
9. September 2003
This Night we had some guests and climbed on the roof of the house in 846 N Hoyne. Perfect view, german beer and nice american friends.
Corinthian Yacht Club Chicago
15. September 2003
A Lake Day.
The End